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A Little Wheelchair Maintenance

In light of my upcoming parole, I figured I might spruce up the ole chair-iot. Besides, it was about time for some regular wheelchair maintenance that I harp on people about all the time. You are doing your regular wheelchair maintenance, aren’t you?

So, with my trusty hospital tweezers and a towel abrasive enough to sand the varnish off the oak bed floor in Adrenalin Fix I gave my wheels a little love. It isn’t the usual overhaul I give her once a month, but enough to clean off the dust collected over the last few months of un-use, make sure none of the bolts are loose and get the hair and gunk out from the front casters.

Upon inspection, everything checks out and the casters are free from debris. I would like to give mention to the durability of some of my aftermarket add-ons. Namely, my ADI carbon fiber backrest and my Frog Legs, Inc. front casters. Now, it goes without saying that I am not exactly known for being gentle to my chairs. Ok, so I might be a little abusive, but the equipment I use has not given up to my demands.

ADI Carbon Fiber Backrest - front
Backrest - front
ADI Carbon Fiber Backrest - rear
Backrest - rear

The ADI ( backrest I installed over a year ago barely has a scratch on it. The carbon fiber looks as sexy as ever. The rubber surround is still in perfect shape and in place. All the hardware is intact and looking good. The upholstery only has a slight tear in one side and, well could use a run through the wash, but all good otherwise. I am very impressed. Not even a squeak or groan in any of it.

As for the Frog Legs, Inc. ( casters, I had gotten a set of their powder-coated 3” at the Abilities Expo in LA this last March and was intrigued to see how long the powder-coat would last compared to the normal anodizing that they normally do. I am pleased to announce that they are still alive and kickin’ only a couple very small chips and the rubber is completely intact. Way to go, guys!

Frog Legs 3
3" Powdercoated Caster

Obviously, once I have access to my tools on the outside I will go through and do a much more thorough check of all the nuts and bolts. And the tires DEFINITELY need air.