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Krankin Thru China Trip Update (10-3-2013)

Ok, so my PLAN was to update each day for the final week before I hopped on the plane on my way to the land of the Orient. BUUUUTTTT, the powers that be had another plan and decided to call me sick for a few days with a fever and monster headache. I resisted a doctors visit and even Urgent Care, but upped my water intake a bunch and downed Emergen-C's and dried cranberries like it was my job. So I have missed a few days of updating you all on the progress I have made leading up to this epic voyage I am about to depart on.

So far, I have stripped my bike almost completely apart, prepped and painted the frame and am almost ready for full re-assembly. I have got my main packing done in the new Ledge Sports Adventure 65L pack and it is lighter than I was expecting. A big plus for as much as I will be humping it all over on my own back. I still need to pack one more duffel yet of the last few odds and ends and that is done.

I have been playing around a little with the new GoPro Hero3 Black Edition cameras that I will be bringing on the trip. They are brand new to me and have a bit of a learning curve. So far the image quality is top notch! I can't wait to strap em to me and go hit the hills.

Over the last few days I have been fighting a bit of mixed emotions surrounding this trip. I am so excited and honored to get to go to another country and share my life with other people and get them inspired to go and do, yet sad to leave my family behind for almost an entire month. This will be the longest I have ever been away from them. I know they understand and will miss me, we will chat on Skype and such, but still tough.

On another note, all of the logistics for the trip are coming together very well. The sponsors have been generous and I am very happy to be representing a great group on this adventure. Flights are booked, Visa is in hand, bags are mostly packed, things are getting taken care of around the house to survive while I am away. Now I just need to see if I can sort a ride to the airport with all my gear. And if anyone wishes to sneak in that last minute donation, it is easy as. Just click the PayPal donate button below. Every bit helps and is GREATLY appreciated.

I hope everyone is ready for an awesome adventure, cuz I am takin' you with me, man! Who's comin' with me? ..yeah!